Sold Listings in the Naples Community of Verona Walk. Browse solds in Verona Walk. 351 Sold Listings.

The community of Verona Walk in Naples, FL currently has 351 sold properties. The average close price for homes in Verona Walk is $607,270. The median close price for homes is $575,000. See active listings.

$850,000 7558 Garibaldi Ct
$960,000 7919 Portofino Ct
$625,000 8703 Genova Ct
$499,900 7865 Umberto Ct
$975,000 7706 Sicilia Ct
$500,000 7767 Ionio Ct
$750,000 8412 Benelli Ct
$515,000 8067 Sorrento Ln
$850,000 7998 Valentina Ct
$540,000 7515 Firenze Ln
$520,000 8717 Querce Ct
$442,000 7143 Marconi Ct
$455,000 7795 Ionio Ct
$975,000 8829 Zurigo Ln
$550,000 8334 Rimini Way
$935,000 8903 Verducci Ct
$545,000 8432 Borboni Ct
$859,000 7943 Valentina Ct
$645,000 8635 Genova Ct
$955,000 8527 Karina Ct
$580,000 8661 Erice Ct
$739,000 7541 Garibaldi Ct
$485,000 8246 Xenia Ln
$550,000 7096 Marconi Ct

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