Sold Listings in the Naples Community of Verona Walk. Browse solds in Verona Walk. 351 Sold Listings.

The community of Verona Walk in Naples, FL currently has 351 sold properties. The average close price for homes in Verona Walk is $607,270. The median close price for homes is $575,000. See active listings.

$467,000 7201 Bellini Way
$532,500 7207 Salerno Ct
$545,000 8639 Genova Ct
$502,000 7147 Marconi Ct
$975,000 7040 Leopardi Ct
$633,333 8716 Querce Ct
$625,000 8763 Querce Ct
$489,000 8062 Chianti Ln
$752,250 7283 Carducci Ct
$815,000 8083 Wilfredo Ct
$549,000 8090 Chianti Ln
$525,000 8132 Xenia Ln
$515,000 7596 Novara Ct
$900,000 7911 Portofino Ct
$815,000 8074 Wilfredo Ct
$459,000 8244 Josefa Way
$785,000 7529 Garibaldi Ct
$510,000 7191 Marconi Ct
$708,000 7804 Orvieto Ct
$595,000 7235 Salerno Ct
$789,000 8507 Alessandria Ct
$595,000 8650 Erice Ct
$484,000 7716 Rozzini Ln

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