Sold Listings in the Naples Community of Verona Walk. Browse solds in Verona Walk. 351 Sold Listings.

The community of Verona Walk in Naples, FL currently has 351 sold properties. The average close price for homes in Verona Walk is $607,270. The median close price for homes is $575,000. See active listings.

$485,000 7810 Tommasi Ct
$750,000 7978 Valentina Ct
$454,000 8432 Borboni Ct
$553,000 7683 Hernando Ct
$549,900 8747 Ferrara Ct
$385,000 7605 Rozzini Ln
$439,900 8672 Genova Ct
$730,000 8476 Benelli Ct
$625,000 7793 Orvieto Ct
$655,000 7698 Hernando Ct
$529,000 7546 Garibaldi Ct
$692,000 7910 Portofino Ct
$764,000 8567 Karina Ct
$325,500 8113 Chianti Ln
$635,000 8857 Zurigo Ln
$350,000 7849 Umberto Ct
$534,000 8547 Alessandria Ct
$421,000 7359 Emilia Ln
$615,000 7887 Portofino Ct
$579,000 7260 Carducci Ct
$410,000 8152 Xenia Ln
$485,000 8420 Benelli Ct
$595,000 7650 Sicilia Ct

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