Sold Listings in the Naples Community of Ventana Pointe. Browse solds in Ventana Pointe. 17 Sold Listings.

The community of Ventana Pointe in Naples, FL currently has 17 sold properties. The average close price for homes in Ventana Pointe is $765,411. The median close price for homes is $748,270. See active listings.

$731,000 10537 Ventana Ln
$880,000 10463 Ventana Ln
$825,300 10525 Ventana Ln
$719,500 10466 Ventana Ln
$749,215 10455 Ventana Ln
$810,000 10367 Ventana Ln
$1,000,000 10470 Ventana Ln
$650,700 10459 Ventana Ln
$695,000 10452 Ventana Ln
$799,555 10415 Ventana Ln
$699,000 10467 Ventana Ln
$748,270 10411 Ventana Ln
$944,000 10391 Ventana Ln
$755,455 10371 Ventana Ln

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