Sold Listings in the Naples Community of Verona Walk. Browse solds in Verona Walk. 345 Sold Listings.

The community of Verona Walk in Naples, FL currently has 345 sold properties. The average close price for homes in Verona Walk is $610,717. The median close price for homes is $576,000. See active listings.

$595,000 8650 Erice Ct
$484,000 7716 Rozzini Ln
$855,000 8825 Ravello Ct
$505,000 8254 Josefa Way
$745,000 7714 Hernando Ct
$568,000 7504 Novara Ct
$737,000 8528 Alessandria Ct
$580,000 7775 Ionio Ct
$585,000 7282 Salerno Ct
$600,000 8615 Genova Ct
$750,000 8622 Veronawalk Cir
$475,000 7484 Firenze Ln
$560,000 8658 Genova Ct
$505,000 8028 Josefa Way
$617,000 7267 Salerno Ct
$525,000 8181 Xenia Ln
$565,000 7527 Novara Ct
$770,000 8826 Ravello Ct
$900,000 8779 Ferrara Ct
$525,000 8661 Querce Ct
$815,000 8596 Alessandria Ct
$625,100 8404 Borboni Ct
$799,000 7927 Valentina Ct
$1,010,000 7033 Leopardi Ct

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