Sold Listings in the Naples Community of Orange Blossom Ranch. Browse solds in Orange Blossom Ranch. 257 Sold Listings.

The community of Orange Blossom Ranch in Naples, FL currently has 257 sold properties. The average close price for homes in Orange Blossom Ranch is $510,055. The median close price for homes is $510,000. See active listings.

$399,197 2595 Vine Ave
$540,900 1999 Parson St
$530,000 2226 Heydon Cir W
$560,000 2470 Heydon Cir E
$415,000 2015 Wellington St
$700,000 2390 Orchard St
$425,000 1672 Alameda Dr
$417,000 2567 Vine Ave

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