Sold Listings in the Fort Myers Community of Palmlee Park. Browse solds in Palmlee Park. 56 Sold Listings.

The community of Palmlee Park in Fort Myers, FL currently has 56 sold properties. The average close price for homes in Palmlee Park is $338,255. The median close price for homes is $320,000. See active listings.

$635,900 3727 Arlington St
$350,000 1708 Jefferson Ave
$319,000 3725 Hanover St
$725,000 3760 Hanover St
$247,000 3846 Lake St
$650,000 3757 Princeton St
$385,000 3901 Princeton St
$257,000 1856 Hill Ave
$210,000 1702 Hill Ave
$169,000 1920 Oakley Ave
$195,000 3857 La Palma St

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