Sold Listings in the Fort Myers Community of Lindsford. Browse solds in Lindsford. 198 Sold Listings.

The community of Lindsford in Fort Myers, FL currently has 198 sold properties. The average close price for homes in Lindsford is $400,949. The median close price for homes is $390,000. See active listings.

$655,000 3096 Royal Gardens Ave
$515,000 3210 Birchin Ln
$390,000 3749 Crofton Ct
$448,000 3074 Birchin Ln
$357,000 3763 Crofton Ct
$395,000 4230 Dutchess Park Rd
$699,990 4000 Ashentree Ct
$400,000 3883 Burrfield St
$449,900 3873 Dunnster Ct
$390,000 3783 Crofton Ct
$400,000 3801 Tilbor Cir
$375,000 3786 Tilbor Cir
$559,900 3274 Birchin Ln
$390,000 3772 Crofton Ct
$399,000 3814 Tilbor Cir
$355,000 3717 Crofton Ct
$535,000 3122 Birchin Ln
$775,000 4023 Ashentree Ct
$362,500 3842 Tilbor Cir
$392,000 3021 Royal Gardens Ave

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