Sold Listings in Estero. Browse 4,077 Sold Properties.

The city of Estero currently has 4,077 sold properties. The average closing price for homes in Estero is $595,417. The median closing price for homes is $508,000.
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$834,500 12400 Eagle Ct
$439,500 21450 Strada Nuova Cir A203
  • Genova
  • 2 beds + den
  • 2 ba
  • 1630 sqft
$308,750 23195 Coconut Shores Dr
$253,500 8491 Southbridge Dr 2
$1,350,000 20241 Chapel Trace
$737,200 20037 Wymberly Way
$420,000 20441 Rookery Dr

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