Sold Listings in Estero. Browse 4,077 Sold Properties.

The city of Estero currently has 4,077 sold properties. The average closing price for homes in Estero is $595,417. The median closing price for homes is $508,000.
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$615,000 23057 Marsh Landing Blvd
$470,000 20351 Larino Loop
$668,000 19636 Tesoro Way
$2,075,000 23511 Coconut Landing Dr
$590,000 20128 Saraceno Dr
$360,000 10110 Villagio Palms Way 202
$515,000 9163 Springview Loop
$1,075,000 19228 La Serena Dr
$925,000 20156 Markward Crcs
$1,055,000 20139 Seadale Ct

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