Sold Listings in the Estero Community of Bella Terra. Browse solds in Bella Terra. 332 Sold Listings.

The community of Bella Terra in Estero, FL currently has 332 sold properties. The average close price for homes in Bella Terra is $485,759. The median close price for homes is $480,000. See active listings.

$454,777 13620 Lesina Ct
$449,900 20611 Ardore Ln
$264,900 19980 Barletta Ln 916
$418,888 20286 Larino Loop
$395,000 20250 Larino Loop
$625,000 13642 Messino Ct
$610,000 13676 Troia Dr
$405,000 20262 Larino Loop
$450,000 20570 Ardore Ln
$395,000 20256 Larino Loop
$651,000 21543 Belvedere Ln
$390,000 21108 Cosenza Ct
$420,000 20553 Ardore Ln
$439,000 21302 Velino Ln
$215,000 20001 Barletta Ln 2011
$340,000 13779 Cleto Dr
$700,000 21078 Bosco Ct
$585,000 21273 Velino Ln

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